Yeah, its been a while, my apologies, life happens.
I just have been thinking in all sincerity, what would it take to change your life? To motivate you? To reach that new level in your life, to take charge of your health? A crisis is what is usually takes and unfortunately most of us do not ever learn from someone else's bad choices, we learn from our own. As I was in the middle of my cardio workout today, I took a moment and looked around. I saw quite a few people "struggling" and not to discredit their effort by any means, its just that I wonder, what life scare did they receive to take a serious step in reversing their underlining problem of failing health?
Mine came from the simple fact that I was in my thirties, giving myself insulin to live. I still live with the damage that diabetes was doing to me. I have irreversible nerve damage to my feet and it has never gotten any worse over time, but never any better. I can't imagine what would have happened to me if I didn't decide to take control, get some help, and change my outcome.
What would be your breaking point? The inability to breathe? The minor joint pain? The overall lazy feeling you have, that just keeps you right there on the sofa? Your inability to create a minimum of 3 hours a week to devote to yourself so you can give more to your job, your family, and yourself? Don't wait until its too late and you become so immobile that not even a light workout is possible. So late that you are living only through medication, and doctor appointments. Change it before its too late. It is about thinking, planning, and then finally doing something about it.